Docker’s purpose is to build and manage compute images and to launch them in a container. So, the most useful commands do and expose this information.
This Docker cheat sheet will give you a quick reference to the basics of Docker that you must know to get started with it. Watch this Docker Tutorial for Beginners video: At Intellipaat, we support our learners with a handy reference, that’s the reason we have created this cheat sheet. Docker Cheat Sheet Process Management # Show all running docker containers docker ps # Show all docker containers docker ps -a # Run a container docker run: # Run a container and connect to it docker run -it: # Run a container in the background docker run -d: # Stop a container docker stop. Docker Hub provides Docker image hosting, public or private registries, build triggers and web hooks, and integration with GitHub and Bitbucket. Docker daemon: Runs on host machine creates and manages docker objects such as images, containers, network, volume, data, etc.
Here’s a cheat sheet on the top Docker commands to know and use.
(This is part of our Docker Guide. Use the right-hand menu to navigate.)
Images and containers
The docker command line interface follows this pattern:
docker <COMMAND>
The docker images and container commands grant access to the images and containers. From here, you are permitted to do something with them, hence:
There are:
- is lists the resources.
- cp copies files/folders between the container and the local file system.
- create creates new container.
- diff inspects changes to files or directories in a running container.
- logs fetches the logs of a container.
- pause pauses all processes within one or more containers.
- rename renames a container.
- run runs a new command in a container.
- start starts one or more stopped containers.
- stop stops one or more running containers.
- stats displays a livestream of containers resource usage statistics.
- top displays the running processes of a container.
View resources with ls
From the container ls command, the container id can be accessed (first column).
Control timing with start, stop, restart, prune
- start starts one or more stopped containers.
- stop stops one or more running containers.
- restart restarts one or more containers.
- prune (the best one!) removes all stopped containers.
Name a container
View vital information: Inspect, stats, top
- stats displays a live stream of container(s) resource usage statistics
- top displays the running processes of a container:
- inspect displays detailed information on one or more containers. With inspect, a JSON is returned detailing the name and states and more of a container.
Additional resources
For more on this topic, there’s always the Docker documentation, the BMC DevOps Blog, and these articles:
Complete Docker CLI
Container Management CLIs
Inspecting The Container
Interacting with Container
Image Management Commands
Image Transfer Comnands
Builder Main Commands
The Docker CLI
Manage images
Mc2 purse app.
docker build
Create an image
from a Dockerfile.
docker run
Run a command in an image
Manage containers
docker create
Create a container
from an image
docker exec
Run commands in a container
docker start
Start/stop a container
docker ps
Manage container
s using ps/kill.
docker images
Manages image
docker rmi
Deletes image
Also see
- Getting Started(
Configures a container that will run as an executable.
This will use shell processing to substitute shell variables, and will ignore any CMD
or docker run
command line arguments.
See also
Basic example
Environment variables
Other options
Advanced features
DNS servers
External links
To view list of all the services runnning in swarm
To see all running services
to see all services logs
To scale services quickly across qualified node
clean up
To clean or prune unused (dangling) images
To remove all images which are not in use containers , add - a
Docker Cli Cheat Sheet
Ghost recon wildlands pc download torrent. To Purne your entire system
To leave swarm
To remove swarm ( deletes all volume data and database info)
Docker Cheat Sheet Pdf
To kill all running containers
Contributor -
Docker Flags Cheat Sheet Template
Sangam biradar - Docker Community Leader